The Office of the Permanent Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has a three-fold mission: (1) to foster vocations to the permanent diaconate as a life of committed and sacramental service to the Church, (2) to direct the formation of aspirants and candidates to the diaconate during the years of study and service leading to ordination to the diaconate, and (3) to assist deacons, their wives and families and their colleagues in the Church in the living out of the ministry of the diaconate. The fostering of vocations is made through efforts to communicate and share the story of the diaconate and the sacramental nature of this ecclesial ministry which finds its meaning in the life of service. Formation of candidates proceeds from a period of initial interviews to four years of intense human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation during which the goal is to mold the candidates into true "icons of Christ the Servant." Finally, the care for the ministry and life of the ordained includes the coordination and recommendation of assignments, coordinating continuing education and retreat opportunities, support for the deacons and their families during time of need, and representing the diaconal community in diocesan meetings, boards and councils. The Office of the Permanent Diaconate is directed by Deacon Gerald DuPont assisted by various deacons who serve in the areas of formation and ministry and life. This Web Site is offered as a service to the Servants of the Holy People of God of this Archdiocese. Dcn. Gerald DuPont St. Mary's Seminary, 9845 Memorial Drive
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